Thursday, February 24, 2011

Design it yourself!!!

My mom saw this on the Today Show this morning.  Bobbie Thomas did her "Bobbie's Style Buzz" segment on how to design jewelry, shoes, bags, clothes, coats, and interior decorations yourself! 

Take a look:  Design it yourself!
(The videos scroll on the left---make sure to watch the top clip!)

Here are the websites she references:
Interior Designs:

Though some of the prices for these items aren't necessarily a "$teal", they are an investment.  If you are creating something that might have sentimental value, you plan to have for a long time, or is the exact way you would like something, then it may be worth putting forth the money. 

Have fun designing!

...and "Thanks" Mom <3 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for some great posts and resources. I love what you're doing here.


